Saturday, September 24, 2005

Cabbage Putch

Well, you might as well realize by now that I love my CPKids dolls and go out of my way to make sure their clothes look good and that they are sitting up pretty and in the window and such. Sometimes I'll go off and walk into a magical and before i know it i've wandered into a magic cabgage patch of green delight and I am right under a beautiful waterfall believe it or not. On one of these discoveries I discovered a series of busy little bunnybees that were sprinkiling cabbages with magial crystals all over my sandals! Suddenly, all sorts of different cabbage patch babies peeked out and I danced with them 1,2 for as long as i wanted. Each one had his or her own special look, personality, name and so on and so forth and so from then on out i named most of them Louisa and made them look the way I wanted. Then everyone cheered.


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