This time is what counts
What with all the excitement about the famous babies in Hollywood, I would sure never think about having one on my own. Meanwhile, what would be the point? I already have a collection of fancies that sit in the right spot and don't never soil their pants and such. I would get real mad at them if they even tried to because I don't spend all that time in the den sewing turqoize pants for them to go and muss them all up like a real one wood. In the meantime one accident has been known to happen when one of the cats got real sick and had itself diareah near where the doll was sitting and i smelled something real bad so I knew an accident had happened somewhere, it was just a matter of finding where and it just took determination, so i had to go on a hunt and the best way to do that is with an open mind. Evenentually I determined that it was on the Cabbage Patch shelf quadrant where they all sit in quite times. I thought it was a line of string, but when i got closer I saw a street of ants marching to where the accident had happened and I just couldn't believe it! Then I noticed that there had been an accident and I knew who had done it and at first I got real mad in my own mind because they have a kitty latter box for that nonsnese and they aren't supposed to use any area outside of that zone to do their business. But just when I was about to get real cross, I reckoned that it must have been diareah becuase there just aint no way to ever know for sure. Once it was pinpointed I knew the only way to clean it is to spray Lysol on it and then wait, so in the meatime i also knowed that that is how you can kill the horrible ants as well so it would be like achieveing both in the same moment. I sprayed it as much as i could and some of the lemon even went to my arm from the sprays so it was just a bit of a great thing to have that on the hot day as well, so it was 3 great things happening at once and all at the same time.