In the sun
Today Tammy got real angry. The other Cubbage Putch Dolls had been in the sun too long and started rough housing and one almost fell off that picnic table. If it had ripped its snowpants I would have gone off and they know that so they don't do that. But it did almost spilled the coleslaw... Luckily one of the other ones caught it just in the knick of time. They know they are supposed to stay in the den unless they have a performance show that night, so I was mad that they even were outside in the first place. The reason I favor her, is because Tammy is a responsible one which is why I give her the nice turqoise outfits. If only to match her irish eyes.
Well, pretty soon after some time past Tammy cooled down and let them enjoy the sun of the day and decided they could all share an Orange Crush. 2 of the Louisas started bickering about not getting enough so I got real mad and confiscated it from everyone. I had to have a thinkback to the last time I gave them sugar and it was right then I remembered that sometimes dolls can rub their eyes and wake up. Every one and a while they will check their elbows 'n arms to make sure god make them work right. Ha ha. Once they realize! They climb down from the shelf because they need some alone time. Of course they have a hard time walking at first and they get wobbly! But sure enough, they need some explore adventures and they'll figure it out! Normally people are sleeping when this happens. The only time I ever followed them was when I went into a magical and before i know it ... i've wandered into a magic cabgage patch of charms and delight and I am right under a beautiful waterfall of merry believe it or not. Suddenly, all sorts of different cabbage patch babies peeked out from behind conch shells and I danced with them as long as i wanted. Each one had his or her own special look, personality, name and so on and so forth and so from then on out i named them all Louisa and made them look the way I wanted. Then everyone cheer.