Well believe or not!
Oh Great! Well believe it or not I am sick. My eyes have swelled shut and the cats have run of the house so all house has broken loose. Luckily I love them because if I didnt I would club them at this point. I don't know how to change my sweatpants and I've been in them with no underwear and one sandal for multiple days on end. They used to be turqoise, but I can't even tell what color they are no more because my eyes done did swell up and all I can do is hear sounds of cat feet running. I can't reach my underwear. I need health support of web friend, but at this point there is no hope of that. If you are reading this, I think you should think about helping me or telling someone in my town about what is going on here. If you are reading this, just think about many things you can do or say to make me feel better so that I have a chance at a better time in the futre.
I was reading this and i am very worried. So I just think about many things i can do or say to make you feel better so that you have a chance at a better time in the futre.
So I continued to thought about the future.
When you get to the future, you should:
Jump in the air and shout "Hallaluja" because you made it
doesn't that sound so fun? the future is going to be so phenomenal!
Some internet friends have told me that you do not know how to change your sweatpants. Please allow me to describe the process for you:
1) Loosen elastic or drawstring waistband.
2) Hook thumbs between waist and waistband, and push down on the fabric until it bunches around your ankles.
3) Remove your one sandal, and with the same leg, step out of the sweatpants.
4) Repeat with opposite leg, sans sandal.
That should get you clear of your sweatpants. Once you shower (with soap, please), you'll need to find your underwear and put it on. Then, with a pair of freshly laundered sweatpants, reverse the process for removing them.
In the Future, however, all pants will be water soluble, so you will not need to remove them before showering. You should have a much better time then.
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