Friday, January 06, 2006

no way

Leave me alone! There is no way I will lend them to anyone. The last time I gave them to Marla they were just dumped on my doorstep in the middle of the night and when I went out to say 'who's there' I saw them in the dirt all wet and when I smelled them they spelled like the cats when they fall in the pond. So go buy your own you idiots.


Blogger Chris said...

Whoa, Cathy! Relax! We just need them for a few hours on Tuesday. We'll rinse them off when we're done with them.

Anyway, I know where you keep them, so I'll just slip in and get them tonight or tomorrow, and I'll have them back before you know it. Just make sure you leave your door unlocked, because I don't want to cause no damage trying to get in there. And keep those cats locked up. Last time I came in there they got the hisses real bad, and I tripped over one of them in the dark.

Anyway, see you tonight or tomorrow night.


9:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whatever happened to the sharing in the community? I have lend my edger to you and you never gave it back. I dont defend you anymore and the community says your lawn is crappy and the weeds are spilling onto the sidewalk. One of the Kracker twins could get hurt and trip over them if you dont edge regularly Cathy. If you would read The Bumblebee instead of papering up your windows with it you could understand that Worths has been out of neepads for 2 weeks. I am upset about this and so is Joan.

2:02 PM  
Blogger Chris said...


Didn't I ask you to leave your door ulocked last night?? Goddamn if I didn't walk around your house for 20 MINUTES trying to find a way in last night! That's just plain rude, Cathy!

I rang your doorbell about 50 times, too, but didn't get no answering. Didn't you fix it? I told you how!! Goddamn if I have to come over and fix it myself, there's going to be a silence in the community for what it's about! And who wants THAT in their coffee??

Seriously, Cathy... I'm coming to get those knee paddings tonight, if I like it or not. And you better have that edger ready to go, too, so I can pick it up at the same time and return it to THE RIGHTFUL OWNER!!


2:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks alot chris you are a lifesaver. my edger is the one with the pink lucky rabbits foot tied to the pole. I dont want to be responsible if the Kracker twins trip up on those weeds and break their faces.

1:03 AM  
Blogger cathy_sampson said...

I was home and under the couch. i hid the pad somewhere in the feeld and unless you have on of those beach sensors and a hole lot of time on your hands, you aint never gunna find them.
Leave me alown.

2:45 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

I found them, Cathy. Damned near tripped on them on my way back to get the pry bar! You should have told me you were going to hide them there, or I could have been hurt!!

Anyway, Fran used them last night, and we put them back exactly where we found them, so you would know where they are.

Thanks, Cathy! That was nice of you. I'll tell everyone in town that you aren't really as bad as the Minister claims you are, and that the "warnings" are really just suggestions.


7:00 PM  

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